An unexpected reunion brings back the memories of Murasaki's horrid past...
The fifth installment in the GRISAIA PHANTOM TRIGGER series is coming to the Nintendo Switch™!

Several years after Yuuji Kazami and his friends fought for their lives in a fierce battle, a new generation of heroines gather at Mihama Academy, which has been reinstated as a 'specialist training school'.
Taking place in the same world as The Fruit of Grisaia, new characters bring an exciting fresh take in the fifth story of this brand new series!
This thrilling story, which unfolds at the reborn Mihama Academy, will undoubtedly excite not only those who have played previous releases, but those who are new to the series as well!
The text can be set to Japanese, English or Simplified Chinese (audio is Japanese only). This includes in-game text, options, and the digital manual. Language settings can be changed at any time.

Play in handheld mode with the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con™ controllers attached, or detach them and play with just the touch controls! While in tabletop mode or TV mode, everything can be controlled using only the Joy-Con (R), allowing you to play with only one hand! Also available for the Nintendo Switch Lite. (A separate Joy-Con (R) is required to play with one hand.)

It's a visual novel in which you don't need to make any choices, so you can enjoy the story like you would when watching a movie or reading a book.
The story comes to life with a star-studded voice actor cast and fully-voiced story (excluding the main character), gorgeous graphics and music, and immersive animation.

Release date
Supported Play Modes
Supported Languages


Visual novel
November 19, 2020
USD 14.99 / CAD 18.89 / 14,99 EUR
Nintendo eShop (Digital version only)
Nintendo Switch System / Nintendo Switch Lite system
TV mode / Tabletop mode / Handheld mode
Japanese / English / Simplified Chinese
(audio is Japanese only)
Full voice acting (main character is unvoiced)
ESRB Mature 17+ / PEGI 18 / USK 18 / CERO C

Character Design/Art
SD Character Design/Art
Watanabe Akio
Fujisaki Ryuta
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